Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Not that I consider this trivial, people died...

Back in the 1980s there was a rash of guys who worked for the post office becomeing disgurntled and comeing to work and killing a bunch of people. Yesterday in Santa Barbara County, California there was such a regretable incident and the perpetrator was female! She killed FOUR people!
I can tell you some jobs are so high stress and the workers don't have anything like enough redress for their difficulties. Some people are not very nice to begin with. Someone managed somethings very badly long before the incident. That you can take to the bank!
Four people were shot, three died, the perpetrator killed herself. Well saves the state a lot of money.
I hate to sound callous. I've had jobs which were so awful I just had to leave. I just would leave even if it was bad financially and know what? The next job was always bettesr.


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